Montag, 06.05.2024

The ORDO BYZANTINUS SANCTI SEPULCHRI is a moral entity and promotes its philanthropic, ecumenical and cultural activities utilising the voluntary contributions of its Members and other worthy donors.

Philanthropic activities are carried out on the initiative of the Priories. Identifying particular needs in their territories, or following specific external requests, they promote and organise their own fund raising activities utilising their own resources. In special cases they refer projects to the National Chancery for national financing.Ecumenism is promoted in a variety of ways for the fulfilment of the Order’s institutional aims, which include the unification of all faiths.

The Ecclesiastical Authorities of the Order participate in international Congresses on Ecumenism and maintain contact with international bodies operating at all levels, for the affirmation of Ecumenism world wide.

Cultural activities are promoted and coordinated by the UNIVERSITAS SANCTI CYRILLI, an International University founded in the year 1669 and enjoying international recognition.

Emblem USC

The Universitasorganises graduate and post graduate study courses, as well as research, formation, specialisation and refresher programmes.

The Universitas confers Honoris Causa Doctorates in various Faculties on exceptionally meritorious persons who have distinguished themselves in the arts, sciences, industry, commerce, labour, finance, politics, communications and other spheres.

The Universitas publishes literary works by eminent authors and organises literary prizes, conventions, congresses, conferences, seminars and exhibitions.


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